Agriculture Courses
Certificate II in Agriculture
Get hands-on practical experience with the Certificate II in Agriculture.
This course will help you develop a wide range of skills and knowledge across multiple agricultural enterprises.
RIST learning environments are designed to replicate real-world situations and experiences which are led by our industry expert trainers. This course will suit students of all ages and backgrounds.
Certificate III in Agriculture
Expand on your Knowledge and Skills
This course is an ideal blend of practical & skill-based learning underpinned with industry-focused theory. Our Certificate III in Agriculture encourages students to develop their problem solving skills, work more independently and provide additional theoretical knowledge.
Certificate IV in Agriculture
Become a Supervisor in the Agricultural Industry
Gain the necessary skills and knowledge to supervise day-to-day duties of a team, provide guidance to others & oversee tasks.
The Certificate IV in Agriculture can assist you in taking the next step in your Agricultural career. Students will be able to interpret and understand financial budgets, plan and supervise a crop or pasture program as well as assist the business with ongoing growth and development.
Diploma in Agriculture
Step into a managerial position in the Agricultural Industry
The Diploma of Agriculture develops graduates to undertake a managerial position in agricultural enterprises. Students will gain the necessary skills and knowledge to manage staff, prepare and manage budgets, analyse soil types, establish control plans & manage livestock production. On completion of this course graduates will be positioned to confidently enter tertiary education. RIST learning environments are designed to replicate real-world situations and experiences which are led by our industry expert trainers. This course will suit students who are currently working in or looking to enter the leadership team of an agricultural enterprise.
Bachelor of Agriculture
CQ University’s Bachelor of Agriculture, delivered in Victoria in partnership with RIST, is a three year qualification bringing cutting edge training to students, delivered by recognised industry leaders with real-world knowledge and know-how.
This course offers students the flexibility of attending lectures online while retaining the hands-on practical experience gained through field tutorials conducted at RIST’s Hamilton campus in South West Victoria.
Agriculture Student Stories
Ben - Certificate III in Agriculture Graduate
Jack - Certificate IV in Agriculture Student
Katy - Certificate III in Agriculture Graduate & Jeremy Upton Scholarship Recipient
Jacob - Certificate III in Agriculture Student
Kerry - Certificate IV in Agriculture
Kerry Leigh is Mum of three, Certificate IV in Agriculture Student and full-time dairy farmer at Aurora Dairies in Hamilton.
On the verge of completing her Certificate IV in Agriculture Kerry’s ambition is ignited as she contemplates pursuing her Diploma in Agriculture.
RIST Alumni Shine Bright at South West Dairy Awards
South West Dairy Awards, Held in Warrnambool on May 16th, proved to be a fantastic event and opportunity to shine a light on and celebrate those in the South-West Victorian dairy industry who are excelling in the Industry!
Kiarah and Boots
Kiarah – Certificate III in Agriculture Student
“My favourite highlight at RIST has definitely got to be working alongside Joe Spicer with my dog Boots”