On Monday this week, Bec Malseed, RIST National Program Manager, shared the evening with members of the Rotary Club of Portland. 

Bec presented an overview of the Weaners For Profit course and enjoyed a lovely meal with the Rotary members at Mac’s Hotel in Portland.

The Rotary Club announced that they will be generously subsidising a Weaners for Profit course for Glenelg Shire residents, under the Andrew Jack memorial fund for Agricultural training. There will be about 15 places available to commence training this Spring.

We thank the Portland Rotary Club for their ongoing support and investment in subsidising RIST courses. This support provides education and training opportunities for members of our local communities and strengthens best practice in agricultural production and output. 

If you would like to register your interest to participate in a Weaners for Profit Course, Please get in touch with Bec Malseed on  1800 883 343 or visit www.rist.edu.au/weanersforprofit