Hands-On Learning: The Williams LTEM Group Begin Their Journey in Sheep Management
In the heart of Western Australia’s Williams region, Trainer Mark Allington is leading a vibrant group of young farmers through the Lifetime Ewe Management (LTEM) program.
Ranging in age from 20 to 30, the participants bring all share a common drive to improve their sheep production practices.
During their first session, the group delved into the core principles of LTEM, focusing on key tools such as condition scoring and Feed on Offer (FOO) measurements. These measurements are crucial for understanding the nutritional status of ewes and ensuring their overall health and productivity.
In a photo shared from the session, the group is seen wrapping up a condition scoring activity. Condition scoring was one of the key elements of the day, reinforcing the important lesson that “you can only manage what you’ve measured.”
This message resonated with the group as they learned how accurate measurements can inform better management decisions.
At this time of year, most of the group’s ewes had recently weaned lambs and are on pasture for grazing while they await availability of stubbles for grazing after harvest.
While Mark only captured one photo from the session (as he prefers to stay focused by leaving his phone in the car), he looks forward to more learning, more hands-on experiences, and more photos as the group continues their journey through LTEM.
If you’d like to learn more about the Lifetime Ewe Management program, CLICK HERE, or head to our National Courses webpage.