RIST ROUND UP 🤝 Half year review and July recap
Welcome to another ROUND UP!
July marked a few special dates in the calendar for the RIST community.
We held our half year review meeting, providing opportunity for us to meet as a team and reflect on the impact our dedicated, small yet mighty training and education organisation has made to our local and wider rural communities.
For each of the following numbers, they represent a person – with a family, a workplace, a support network and even better, they’re someone from a rural local community who is achieving success through pursuing training and educational pathways in Agriculture, Wool, Short and National Courses with RIST. And it is with each number, they solidify our purpose at RIST and that of the founding vision of Rural Industries Skill Training; To specialise in providing dedicated education and training opportunities which strengthen rural communities in Agriculture, Wool and Rural Industry. And to do this with staff and trainers who are industry leaders, and to give back to our Rural communities by graduating workplace ready professionals, with skills founded on best practice, curiosity and a passion for agriculture and wool that has been nurtured and flourished as the upcoming and next generation.

📸 Images L – R from July. Students have been busy over the winter in livestock handling and lamb marking classes. The newly frosted windows at the Hamilton campus offer a modern look and privacy to classrooms. Joe Spicer working dog class was a hit at the GGLEN and RIST Careers in Agriculture “Taster day”.
As a brief snap-shot, half way into this year:
We proudly watched 65 students graduate in March
We are expecting to see over 30 graduating students at our August Mid-Year Graduation
We are facilitating 33 LifeTime Ewe Management Courses Nationally
And we are very proud to have awarded two Jeremy Upton Scholarship recipients
And much more!
We have been undergoing renovations, facility and technology upgrades and are in the process of developing new programs designed to strengthen our rural communities and the Agricultural industry into the future.
July was a month filled with welcoming students and also farewelling graduates whose journeys with us have ended upon completion of their courses. We thoroughly enjoyed meeting prospective students at the Southern Grampians Jobs and Skills Pathways Expo and also at the GGLEN Careers in Ag Day.
August doesn’t appear to be slowing us down as we venture to Sheepvention, Attend LambEX, Host our Information Sessions, attend the Baimbridge College Student Information night and continue to deliver an array of Short and National Courses.
In August we are welcoming enrolments and expressions of interest in the Agricultural Chemicals Users Course, Shearing School enrolments, Weaners for Profit enrolments and Lifetime Ewe Management enrolments – be sure to checkout the events page on our website and connect with us on social media to stay up to date.
As a final word, In July we farewelled staff member Kate Carmody and in August we will farewell Gaye Cameron, Both Kate and Gaye have been powerhouses in positively shaping the academic impact and outcomes of many RIST students over the years, We wish them all the very best for their future endeavours. We will welcome Elle Bryant who with a veterinary technician background and will add to our staff skill set in dairy and livestock production. Elle will take over the coordination of our Diploma and Certificate IV programs.
Until next time…