Step into Ag Orientation Day a hit with 2025 cohort
Last week, students from several local secondary schools, alongside several full-time on-farm employees, spent the day at the Hamilton RIST Campus for a peek around the curtain into what studying Agriculture in 2025 will look like.
Students enrolled in Certificate II in Agriculture and Certificate III in Agriculture programs participated in a range of indoor and outdoor class activities, offering insight into a regular training day on campus.

Pictured, Tamara Hardy, Program coordinator Certificate II and III in Agriculture, with a 2025 Agriculture students.
RIST CEO Bill Hamill welcomed incoming students with a tour of the upgraded campus facilities, while Program Coordinators John Byron and Tamara Hardy gave students a tour of the Hamilton campus farm facility.
The students will complete their Agricultural studies alongside their school work, or on-farm work, over the next 18 months as part of their individualised learning programs.
Program coordinator John Byron explained that both courses offered students solid introductions into Agricultural studies, presenting hands-on learning opportunities alongside real world application of newly developed skills, perfect for a person starting their career in Agriculture.
RIST are continuing to welcome enrolments in the Certificate III in Agriculture program for 2025, with limited availability remaining. Applications for the course will close on January 15.
Mr Hamill encouraged enrolments for the Certificate III in Agriculture from mature aged students, explaining,
“The Certificate III in Agriculture is not just a course for school aged students. If you already have the foundation in Agriculture but would like to build upon your formal qualifications and skills, The Certificate III in Agriculture program equips students with the skills, knowledge, and confidence to succeed in entry to mid-level Agriculture roles. Throughout the program students learn from industry experts, work with the latest innovation and equipment, and expand their understanding of modern agricultural practices”.
If you would like to learn more about the Certificate III in Agriculture program, connect with the RIST office on 1800 883 343 or head to:
Students who have already completed their enrolment will commence study in February 2025.