Weaners for Profit

Course Overview

Weaners for Profit has been designed to follow the successful AWI & RIST’s Lifetime Ewe Management Course. This course assists farmers to analyse weaner performance, manage post-weaning, manage ewe lambs and hoggets during joining, early and late pregnancy as well as preparing hoggets for joining and reviewing ewe lamb performance.

Over 12 months (5 sessions) this course will following the same delivery structure as AWI & RIST’s Lifetime Ewe Management (LTEM) course. During each session, participants will visit each farm and conduct pasture assessments and hands-on sheep management training/weighing.

Further Information

After completing an LTEM course, why not stay together as a group and undertake Weaners for Profit!

Alternatively, you can contact your neighbours or like-minded farmers in the same location and form a group of 5-7 participants and we can send a trainer to come and deliver directly to you.

Speak with Bec Malseed, National Program Manager at RIST for more information – 0407 730 943

This course is valued at $2,250 + GST per participant.  Participants are encouraged to speak with their local land care groups to ascertain if there are possible grants or subsidies that could be applied to assist in undertaking this course.

Training Locations:

This course is delivered in Victoria, South Australia & New South Wales.

Entry Requirements

There are no entry requirements for this course. This course has been ideally designed to follow on from AWI & RIST’s Lifetime Ewe Management course as a 2nd year training program.