Student in the Spotlight 🔦 Finding passion in Shearing, with Chloe Dann
Chloe Dann, perhaps better known as Chloe the Shearer, is a shining example of how passion can transform a career.
Chloe Dann, perhaps better known as Chloe the Shearer, is a shining example of how passion can transform a career.
Last week, sheep advisors from near and far gathered at the Hamilton RIST campus across three days for the Australian Wool Innovation Stratefly and Amplifly workshop train-the-trainer sessions.
There’s still time to join our November short courses!
Welcome to the latest edition of the RIST RoundUP! In this edition you’ll find: A recap of October from our CEO, Bill Hamill, Highlights from shearing school, We farewell valued RIST team member and Coordinator of Certificate II and III in Agriculture courses, Esther Glasgow. We wish our students navigating VCE all the best as…